Saturday 31 August 2013

Pastor's Retreat

Fiji Community Churches of Christ Director, Bruce Edwards, has just returned from a Pastor's Retreat which he ran to help encourage and build deeper relationships between the local pastors at Fiji.

Here is his post from the Global Mission Partners website:

Fun, Food and Fellowship in Fiji

Good food, lots of laughter and fun and great fellowship together marked the pastor’s retreat at Tubakula Beach near Sigatoka. This time of deeper sharing, from Thursday through to Saturday, was viewed as a valuable investment by the pastors and their families.

“We had a terrific time learning, praying and reflecting together, and also laughing, playing and eating together,” says Fiji Community Churches of Christ Director, Bruce Edwards. “It was a great opportunity, not only for Lisa and I to form deeper relationships with the pastors and their families, but also for the pastors to deepen their relationships with, and appreciation for, one another.”

Those taking part reported a greater sense of being united in a common purpose. They experienced a renewed feeling of being an integrated team holding a shared vision, despite pursuing this vision in different ways in different parts of the country. The wives also valued their time together. They appreciated being understood by others living a similar lifestyle as well as being further equipped as partners in ministry.
The value of continuing to invest more deeply in each other’s lives, in creating opportunities for mutual encouragement, fellowship and equipping for ministry was identified as a priority for the future. “Praise God for this valuable time together,” says Bruce. “Please continue to uphold each of our pastors, their families and the churches they lead.”  

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